Braces Orthodontia

Braces are employed to address various dental issues, such as poorly aligned jaws, crooked, crowded, or missing teeth, and malocclusion, commonly known as a bad bite.

Several factors can contribute to misaligned teeth or jaws, including habits like thumb-sucking or traumatic injuries. Some conditions are also inherited.

Children aged 7 to 14 are typically suitable candidates for braces as their facial structures are still developing. However, adults seeking braces may require additional procedures due to their fully developed facial features.

About Braces

Orthodontics is a specialized field of dentistry focused on correcting jaw and teeth alignment.

Braces utilize wires and come in three main types:

  • Conventional braces with metal strips or bands.
  • Metal or plastic brackets bonded to teeth.
  • Lingual braces with brackets attached to the back teeth.


Orthodontic procedures, collectively known as orthodontia, involve intricate processes.

Dentists often create a plaster cast of the individual’s teeth and conduct comprehensive X-rays of the head and mouth.

Following the placement of orthodontic appliances, regular adjustments are necessary to ensure continual progress in aligning the teeth.

Retainers are commonly used after braces to maintain the corrected tooth positions.

Aesthetic and Comfort Issues

Technological advancements have significantly improved the aesthetics of orthodontic treatment.

Modern braces are constructed from lightweight, natural-colored materials. The brackets attached to teeth can be removed after treatment.

The duration of wearing braces typically spans around two years, varying based on individual cases. Adults may need to wear braces for an extended period.

Orthodontic adjustments may cause mild discomfort, which usually subsides after each session.

Hygiene issues

Maintaining oral hygiene is crucial for those with braces to prevent food particles and debris from accumulating around brackets and wires.

Regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing are essential, and some individuals find water picks beneficial for effectively cleaning between brackets.

It’s important to avoid sticky foods as they can damage or loosen orthodontic appliances. Crunchy snacks should also be avoided to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

Space Maintainers

Space maintainers are valuable dental devices that aid in normal tooth growth following premature tooth loss, injury, or other issues.

These devices help maintain proper spaces, ensuring sufficient room for emerging permanent teeth.

When a child loses a baby tooth early, adjacent teeth may shift, resulting in insufficient space for permanent teeth. This can lead to crooked or crowded teeth and difficulties with chewing and speaking.