
  • More and more people are avoiding the need for dentures as they grow older, going against the notion that false teeth are a normal part of growing older. In fact, there's usually no reason for [...]

  • The pits and grooves of your teeth are prime areas for opportunistic decay. Even regular brushing sometimes misses some of these intricate structures on the chewing surfaces of your teeth. Enter sealants, which are thin [...]

  • Sealants are liquid coatings that solidify on the chewing surfaces of teeth, proving highly effective in preventing cavities, even on teeth with early-stage decay. The intricate pits and grooves on the chewing surfaces of [...]

  • Some cases of acute periodontal (gum) disease that do not respond to more conventional treatment and self-care such as flossing may require a special kind of cleaning called scaling and root planing. The procedure begins [...]

  • Root canals are intricate passageways branching off from beneath the tooth's surface, extending vertically downward to the tip of the root. Each tooth typically has between one and four root canals. Infections affecting the [...]

  • If you lose one or more permanent teeth, an indentation may result in the gums and jawbone where the tooth used to be. When no longer holding a tooth in place, the jawbone recedes and [...]

  • Infants Infants should be seen by our office after the first six months of age, and at least by the child's first birthday. By this time, the baby's first teeth, or primary teeth, are beginning [...]

  • Plaque is a film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums after eating foods that produce acids. These foods may include carbohydrates (starches and sugars), such as candy and cookies, and starchy foods [...]

  • Periodontal examinations play a crucial role in maintaining your oral health by assessing the condition of your gums and teeth. These exams aid in diagnosing gum diseases, such as gingivitis and periodontitis, and can [...]

  • Pain can occur in any number of places in your mouth: teeth, gums, roots, the palate, tongue and jaw. Cavities are a common culprit causing pain. Untreated cavities can impact nerves because of infections of [...]

  • Oral piercings (usually in the tongue or around the lips) have quickly become a popular trend in today’s society.  With this popular trend, it is important to realize that sometimes even precautions taken during the [...]

  • Visit any pharmacy or the health and beauty section of a supermarket today, and you are faced with a large, and many say confusing, array of over-the-counter remedies and devices designed to help you tend [...]

  • Oral cancer ranks among the most prevalent cancers today, boasting one of the lowest survival rates and witnessing thousands of new cases annually. Unfortunately, fewer than half of those diagnosed with oral cancer achieve a [...]

  • Newer kinds of fillings made from composite resins and porcelain can restore unsightly fillings; many people are surprised how natural these kinds of filling materials can make a tooth once covered by the old-fashioned silver [...]

  • It has long been known that good nutrition and a well-balanced diet is one of the best defenses for your oral health. Providing your body with the right amounts of vitamins and minerals helps your [...]

  • The Food and Drug Administration classifies mouth rinses into two categories - therapeutic and cosmetic. In general, therapeutic rinses with fluoride have been shown to actually fight cavities, plaque and gingivitis. On the other hand, [...]

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