Crowns and Bridges


Discover the natural-looking solution to missing teeth with our custom-made dental bridges. These barely noticeable appliances seamlessly replace sections of missing teeth, restoring the natural contour and proper bite relationship between upper and lower teeth.

Often referred to as fixed partial dentures, bridges are semi-permanent fixtures bonded to existing teeth or implants. Our range includes conventional fixed bridges, cantilever bridges, and resin-bonded bridges, all designed for durability and a permanent feel. Unlike removable bridges, our fixed bridges provide a long-term solution that only your dentist can remove.

Crafted from materials such as porcelain, gold alloys, or combinations thereof, our bridge appliances ensure both functionality and aesthetic appeal. Implant bridges, attached below the gum tissue or bone, provide an even more seamless solution.



Elevate your tooth’s function and appearance with our synthetic caps, known as crowns. Typically made from materials like porcelain, these caps are placed atop a tooth for various purposes.

Crowns become essential after restorative procedures like root canals or when extensive decay requires significant removal of tooth portions. Beyond restoration, crowns are used to attach bridges, cover implants, prevent further damage to a cracked tooth, or secure loose fillings. Aesthetic considerations also drive crown application, particularly when restoring discolored or stained teeth to their natural appearance.

The crown application process involves reducing the tooth size, creating a custom-designed crown from an impression, and securing it in place. Temporary crowns may be used until the permanent one is ready, ensuring a seamless transition.

While crowns and veneers are distinct, it’s crucial to care for your crowns properly. With diligent maintenance, a high-quality crown can last up to eight years or longer. Regular flossing in the crown area is essential to prevent plaque buildup, and avoiding behaviors like jaw clenching or teeth grinding will significantly prolong the crown’s lifespan. Additionally, steer clear of brittle foods, ice, or hard candy to maintain optimal adhesion and prevent damage to your crown. Trust us to provide enduring solutions for your dental needs.